Villas cancellation policy

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You may cancel your booking at any time, according to our villas cancellation policy,  by sending us a message to [email protected]
You shall receive the appropriate amount of refund, regardless of your reasons for canceling, depending on the date of your cancellation. The effective date of cancellation will be the date on which we receive your written notification.

The required time to complete the transaction may vary depending on your bank.
Please send us to [email protected] the following information.
Name, Surname, ΙΒΑΝ, Swift Code / BIC, Name of Villa, Dates of Reservation, The Reason of Cancelation (optional)

Date by which notification is received
More than 56 days prior to villa arrival
Loss of deposit
55-43 days prior to villa arrival
50% of total cost
42-29 days prior to villa arrival
65% of total cost
28-15 days prior to villa arrival
90% of total cost
14 days or less prior to villa arrival
100% of total cost